FAQ-EN - 9moisetplus
Foire aux questions

can we
help you ?

Welcome to the FAQ section of 9moisetplus,, your application dedicated to support during pregnancy and beyond. We created this page to answer the most frequently asked questions and provide you with all the information you need to get the most out of our application.

What is the 9moisetplus application ?

9moisetplus is an application allowing you to contact french health professionals (midwives, psychologists, sophrologists, lactation consultants, etc.) qualified in France to answer all your questions concerning pregnancy or the months following the arrival of your baby.

What services are offered ?

24/7 chat, teleconsultations, workshops... Hand-in-hand advice and support, accessible wherever you are in the world*, so that you never feel alone again without answers to your questions.

*internet access is required

Who are the health professionals ?

Our team is made up of different actors around perinatal care such as midwives, maternity nurses, nutritionists, sophrologists, hypnotherapists, psychologists, sleep consultants, IBCLC lactation consultants, etc.

What are the differences with a doctor ?

9moisetplus is an advice and support application which does not replace medical monitoring but allows you to go through this adventure as calmly as possible.

When can I contact you ?

As soon as you have any questions, we are here to answer you as soon as possible! You can contact us on chat 24/7.

Is the service only valid during pregnancy ?

Our application and our professionals are there to support you during pregnancy but also afterwards in the months following the arrival of your child 😉

Which professional answers me ?

For the moment, french midwives qualified in France answer your questions on the chat!

Is the consultation free ?

Once the subscription is taken, the chat offer is unlimited as well as the possibility of registering for our various workshops! The cost of teleconsultations varies depending on the professional.

Is the subscription reimbursed by social security ?

Our application is not supported by social security.

How do I create an account ?

It's very simple! You can download the application for free from the App Store or the Google Play Store and create your user profile by letting yourself be guided step by step!

How much does it cost ?

Monthly subscription: €14.99 (i.e. €3.41 / week),

Quarterly subscription: €34.99 (i.e. €3.03 / week),

Biannual subscription: €69.99 (i.e. €2.65 / week),

Annual subscription: €129.99 (i.e. €2.50/week).

It is possible to change or cancel a subscription at any time. All subscriptions renew automatically when they reach their deadline.

Can several people use an account ?

You can absolutely be several users on the same account and thus have joint access to the answers provided by our team. Be careful who you share your login credentials with !

Who can access my data ?

The data from the 9moisetplus application is hosted on a HSD certified server (Health Data Host) in order to comply with security and confidentiality standards. Only the medical team and you access the content of the chats.

Can I cancel my subscription ?

To cancel your subscription, simply go to the "subscription" section of your Appstore or Playstore account and cancel it within 24 hours before its expiry date. You will continue to be able to use the application and our services until it expires, regardless of the termination date.

What are workshops ?

For around 45 minutes, we discuss themes around pregnancy, childbirth, welcoming a newborn, etc., in a small group (15 people maximum).

How much does a workshop cost ?

Participation in a workshop is €10, but it is free for ALL workshops if you take out a subscription.

A team of midwives available to answer you wherever you are in the world

Get your questions answered quickly. Being listened to, advised and reassured becomes child play.
accompanies you during your pregnancy wherever you are
Do not hesitate to subscribe to be informed of our news and informations